Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bunny in the Side Yard

When I went to run some errands this afternoon, there was a wee bunny just chillin' in my side yard.  Imagine my surprise when he was still there when I returned, undeterred by my car pulling into the driveway in front of him.  I decided to snap a few photos with my phone and paint the brave little guy's portrait.

                                   Watercolor on 140 lbs paper 10x7

I am pleased with how the bunny turned out and the amount of detail I achieved.  But I am even more pleased that I was able to layer a light wash of burnt umber and pthalo over the top of the bamboo on the side.  Normally, I would not want to ruin the under drawing and left it as is.  The drawing would have been all mid-tones and very boring as a result. 

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